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The JB Film Festival brings together filmmakers and film-enthusiasts in a weekend celebration of cinema and storytelling.


Through a range of feature films, children’s films, masterclasses and forums, the festival invites people from all walks of life to share their stories to build cultural bridges while fostering greater creative and artistic development to complement the city’s budding cinematic industry.


Are we human beings with spirituality?

Or are we spiritual beings with humanity?


Curated by Malaysian filmmaker Hassan Muthalib, whom we so affectionately call Pak Hassan, this year's selection consists of a series of award-winning films from Nusantara, Asia, South Asia and Europe, all with an underlying theme of exploring the essence of humanity.


Johor Bahru: International Festival City (JB:IFC) is an initiative which aims to work together with the people of Johor Bahru to host world-class arts, culture, and heritage events that actively involves and engages with the city’s various communities.


All JB: IFC events are modeled around the simple belief that the arts are not just about entertainment, but are invaluable platforms for education, engagement, and empowerment.



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